The seminar covers the significant features, design considerations and the popular types of optical C.T An overview of the principle of working of an OCT and the different types of current sensing methods.(based upon Faraday Effect) are given. The comparison of conventional C.Ts and optical C.Ts displays the ability of O.C.T to overcome the saturation effect and the problem of electromagnetic interference (EMI). The presentation also covers the field test results of an O.C.T.( such as effect of lightning, ratio error, short circuit current ) and highlights the merits of O.C.Ts over conventional C.Ts including high accuracy, reduced size and weight, safe and explosion free (avoids oil or SF6) ; lack of problems of insulation failure, low
maintenance, no effect of saturation, immune to E.M.I and high bandwidth (0.5 Hz to 6 kHz).Salient aspects of OCTs of leading global manufacturers (Areva and Asea Brown Boveri) are also given. They have developed O.C.Ts in the range 72.5 kV to 765 kV; 1A to 4000A for Areva and 72.5 kV to 800 kV; 5A to 3150A for ABB respectively. The seminar also provides a brief overview of the OCTs based on Interferometric principle, Bragg gratings, and Micromechanical sensors with an optical read out.
Slides :
Report :
Detailed final report present
maintenance, no effect of saturation, immune to E.M.I and high bandwidth (0.5 Hz to 6 kHz).Salient aspects of OCTs of leading global manufacturers (Areva and Asea Brown Boveri) are also given. They have developed O.C.Ts in the range 72.5 kV to 765 kV; 1A to 4000A for Areva and 72.5 kV to 800 kV; 5A to 3150A for ABB respectively. The seminar also provides a brief overview of the OCTs based on Interferometric principle, Bragg gratings, and Micromechanical sensors with an optical read out.
Slides :
- Theoretical Concepts
- Transducers using Faraday effect
- Field trial of O.C.T
- Performance of O.C.T v/s C C.T
- Merits & Demerits of O.C.T
- Manufacturers of O.C.T -AREVA ;ABB
- Conclusion
Report :
Detailed final report present
1 Response to Optical Current Transformers