Direct Solar/Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion Technologies
Course Description
This course introduces principles and technologies for converting heat into electricity via solid-state devices. The first part of the course discusses thermoelectric energy conversion and thermoelectric materials, thermionic energy conversion, and photovoltaics. The second part of the course discusses solar thermal technologies. Various solar heat collection systems will be reviewed, followed by an introduction to the principles of solar thermophotovoltaics and solar thermoelectrics. Spectral control techniques, which are critical for solar thermal systems, will be discussed.
1 | Introduction | (PDF - 1.5MB) | iTunes U (MP3 - 19MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 19MB) |
2 | Thermoelectric effect and thermoelectric devices | (PDF - 1.3MB) | iTunes U (MP3 - 20MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 20MB) |
3 | Energy states in matter | (PDF) | iTunes U (MP3 - 19MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 19MB) |
4 | Kinetic formulation of thermoelectricity | (PDF) | iTunes U (MP3 - 20MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 20MB) |
5 | Current research on thermoelectric materials | (PDF - 1.9MB) | iTunes U (MP3 - 20MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 20MB) |
6 | Thermionic power conversion | (PDF) | iTunes U (MP3 - 20MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 20MB) |
7 | Photovoltaic cells | (PDF - 1.2MB) | iTunes U (MP3 - 18MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 18MB) |
8 | Radiative heat transfer | (PDF - 1.0MB) | iTunes U (MP3 - 18MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 18MB) |
9 | Solar concentration and solar thermal technology | (PDF - 1.4MB) | iTunes U (MP3 - 19MB) Internet Archive (MP3 - 19MB) |
10 | Guest Lecture: Chris Schuh, "Nanostructured Materials: Stability Against Thermal Coarsening." | (slides not available) | (audio not available) |
11 | Guest Lecture: Ivan Čelanović, "Photonic Crystals: Shaping the Flow of Thermal Radiation." | (PDF - 5.9MB) (Courtesy of Ivan Čelanović. Used with permission.) | (audio not available) |
12 | Applications of thermoelectric and photovoltaics | (PDF) | (audio not available) |
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