Place: North India (Jammu)
DAte : 01/04/2010
Post :Graduate Engineering Trainee(GET).
Selection : 8/136
Salary : 3.25 pa lacs during training period and bond for 3 years.
As usual entire process had two phases
1) Written test (Technical & Aptitude)
2) Interview (Technical and HR)
a) Technical (Objective 25 Qs in 30 min. NO negative marking.)
Some questons i recollect from the tech round are
- Full form of ETP, SMTP.
- Acronym for VIRUS.
- One question on VSWR.
- How many directors and reflectors in Yagi Uda antenna?
- What material is used for the manufacturing of GATE in MOSFETS.
- One question on boolean algebra.
- In which demodulators PLL is used?
- Whais is the chane in SNR with negative feed back?
- What is the effectof bandwidth of an amplifier with negative feed back?
- Why is Maxwell's loop law is used in networks?
- Whay WAIT states are used in Microcontrollers?
- What is the follwoing step after an interrupt comes to a microprocessor?
b) Aptitude (Objective 20 Qs in 30 min. very easy ones.)
courtesy : Ankit Jain, Jammu
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